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Violences policières. Le devoir de réagir
Police violence: the duty to react

William Bourdon, Vincent Brengarth
April 28th 2022 – Editions : Gallimard – Collection Tracts/Gallimard

It is urgent to react to reconcile the police and population by taking in consideration all the woes that police violence reveal.” William Bourdon and Vincent Brengarth.

Police violence affects the trust of people in the police and, through them, in the institutions. Too often, our political leaders deny its existence et refuse any public debate on the woes that it originates from. We are witnesses of the obstacles that prevent observing and sentencing it. We propose to share our experience of men of law, with the concern of nuance on a burning subject, while formulating propositions. Finding the needed cures to end police violence is the condition to repair credit of the police and, beyond, the judicial institution. A democratic and citizen emergency.

Les dérives de l’état d’urgence
The drifts of the state of emergency

William Bourdon – January 26th 2017 – Editions : Plon
Co-authors : Amélie Lefebvre, Apolline Cagnat, Bertrand Repolt and Vincent Brengarth

France took such a drift towards securitarianism which accelerated since the Charlie Hebdo attacks that its legal arsenal is considered one of the most repressive in Europe. In this context, what are today’s and further potential drifts of the state of emergency towards our liberties and our democracy?
The tension between safety requirements (i.e. the fight against terrorism) and the protection of our liberties has never been so present at the heart of the democratic debate. This tension more than ever prompts our reflection in the lights of the terrorist attacks committed and the threats on France.

Petit manuel de désobéissance citoyenne
A Little Handbook Of Civil Disobedience

de William Bourdon
26 February 2014, Editions : JC Lattès

A high-profile lawyer and human rights champion, William Bourdon has traveled the world on behalf of his NGO Sherpa, whose work focuses on corporate social responsibility. Logically, Bourdon has witnessed the global emergence of whistleblowers with keen interest. The Snowdens, Falcianis, Frachons and Julian Assanges of this world have paved the way for greater transparency and more open public debate in society at large. Their motivations have been diverse, with personal reasons sometimes mixed with genuine concern for the public interest. Yet, for reasons good or less-than-good, all seem to share one objective: clean up a corrupt society they no longer want to aid and abet. But what does the law say ? What is the legal framework for whistleblowing ? Here, for the first time, is the handbook to support the development of this emerging civic movement.

Previous publications

  • Contribution to a collective book on the International Criminal Court in The Hague («La Haye», L’HARMATTAN, 1994); and to a book on international justice in Rwanda (“La Justice Internationale au Rwanda” KHARTHALA – 1995)
  • Auteur in cooperation with Ms. Emmanuelle DUVERGER, of « La Cour Pénale Internationale – Le Statut de Rome », May 2000 (Editions du Seuil – Collection POINT)
  • Contribution to “L’état de la Justice en France”, collective, Editions LA DECOUVERTE under the supervision of Ms. Mireille DELMAS MARTY, Octobre 2001
  • Contribution to “Droit international public ” under the direction of Mr. Hervé ASCENCIO, Emmanuel DECAUX et Alain PELLET, Edition A. PEDONE – 2000
  • Auteur of “Face aux crimes du marché. Quelles armes juridiques pour les citoyens?”, 2010 (Editions LA DECOUVERTE)
  • Contribution to “Réguler les entreprises transnationales – 46 propositions”, December 2010
  • Contribution to : “Les Démocraties à l’epreuve du terrorisme”, collective,  Editions LA DECOUVERTE – 2010.
  • Contribution to “Contre l’arbitraire du pouvoir”,  Editions LA DECOUVERTE – February 2012 : individual article entitled “L’exception antiterroriste”
  • Participation in numerous conferences on international crime, particularly relating to financial crime and globalization (including in PORTO ALEGRE, DAKAR, JOHANNESBURG, DOHA, WASHINGTON, and most recently in BRASILIA in November 2012 for the 15th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), and in LONDON in September 2013 for the third “Arab Forum Special Session” (on the role of civil society in asset recovery)
  • Author of numerous articles in both international, general and specialized press outlets on the fight against impunity, terrorism, corruption, money laundering, market speculation, the International Criminal Court, environmental law, the status of whistleblowers, environmental crimes, etc.

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